To create a new Product, first navigate to the Product List from RentItBiz Home by clicking on Products>Products List. To add a new Product:

  • Click the New Product button (upper right)

The following form will be displayed:

Enter the product information:

  • Enter Name of product (required)
  • Select the Product Type (e.g., Rental) (required)
  • Select the Tax Group (required) More tax info can be found here.
  • Optional information:
    • Enter Short Description
    • Enter Description
    • Enter Tags
    • Enter Sorting Order (for Online display)
    • Select QuickBooks Account

Check the Visibility boxes on the right hand side:

  • Site Visibility allows the product to be visible from different sites. If there is only one Site location this box must still be checked.
  • POS Visibility makes the product visible to the point of sale. (required for new products)
  • Online Visibility should be checked make the product available for online reservations. 
  • Kiosk Visibility allows the product to be visible to kiosk terminals (separate from POS terminals)

Then click the Save button to save the product information (or click the Back button to cancel).

Next select the POS tab the following page will appear:

Enter in the POS button information:

  • POS Text labels the button that appears in the POS (limit 20 characters)
  • Button Color sets the button color by pressing the red box in the field. (you can also set a button image from the Media tab)
  • Button Text Color changes the text color
  • POS Quick Button adds a button to the contacts screen. Add a number (starting with 0) to the blank field to set button order.
  • Categories assigns the button to different product categories in the POS.

Then click the Save button.