You can use spreadsheets to import a variety of data instead of manually entering it. The spreadsheet templates for doing this are attached. Below is a list of required columns, the ones you need to populate at minimum for a successful import. 

Rental Asset - This sheet is for your individual rental assets (SKU's). The asset class is used to attach rental assets to products (see Rental Product below). As asset class defines a rental asset. You can base multiple products on a single asset class. 

For example, you might define an asset class called "hybrid bike." Two rental products, "rental bike" and "tour bikes" could then use that asset class. 

    Required Columns: Status, SKU, Asset Class (name)

Rental Product - This is your rental product name and information. A rental  product must refer to a rental asset you define (see Rental Asset above). 

Required Columns: Name, Tax Group, POS Button Text(20 characters), Category, Sub Category, SKU, Class 

The Class column refers to the name of a rental asset (e.g., imported from a Rental Asset spreadsheet). For example, a "rental bike" might have a class of "hybrid bike." 

Note: It is best to create taxes before importing products. 

Import Retail - This is your list of retail items and inventory.

Required Columns: Name, Tax Group, POS Button Text (20 characters), Category, Sub Category, Price (number format: two decimal places) QTY Alert, UPC, SKU, QTY

Import Contacts - This is your list of contacts.

Required Columns: First/ Last Name, Email

Import Events - This is your list of events. 

Required Columns: Capacity, Color, From Date, To Date, From Location, To Location