To create a new item for a Rental Pricing Plan, first navigate to Rental Pricing Plans from RentItBiz Home by clicking on Products>Product Management and clicking on the Rental Pricing Plan tab. Select the Rental Pricing Plan from the drop-down box on the left:
To add a new item to the plan:
- Click Add Plan Item button (upper right)
The following pop-up window will be displayed:
To define the new rental pricing plan item:
Enter the Plan Item Name
Check the POS Visibility checkbox to make the item visible on the POS
Check the Quick POS Button checkbox to create a quick button for the item on the POS
Check the Pay in Advance checkbox to require payment in advance for the item
Check the Available for Online Reservations checkbox to allow online reservations for the item
Check the day boxes to indicate the days of the week on which the item is valid for rental
Select the Plan Type: By Period, Prorate, or By Time
For By Period Plan Types:
Enter the Rental Period (#) using the up or down buttons
Select the time units (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks)
For Pro Rate Plan Types:
Enter the Rental Period (#) using the up or down buttons
Select the time units (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks)
Enter the Pro Rate Every period to indicate how often to pro rate during the rental period
Select the time units (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks)
Enter the Max Period to indicate the maximum rental time period
Select the time units (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks)
For By Time plan types:
Enter the Rental Period (#) using the up or down buttons
Select the time units (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks)
Enter the Time (end time for rental)
For the Over Time Plan:
Select the Rental Pricing Plan
Enter the Rental Period (#) using the up or down buttons
Select the time units (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks)
See Overtime Plan Example Pictures below
Pricing Plan Example
Overtime Plan (Pro-Rate)
Price Plan Time Period with Overtime attached
Click the Save button (Close to discard entries)