Go to Products > Asset List
Once the Asset List loads press +New Asset in the top right hand corner. This will load the asset screen below.
Enter in asset information on this page. '
Required Fields
- SKU - can be up to 20 characters long. The system searches for all assets and products by SKU.
- Asset Class - Select existing Asset Classes from the drop down. If you wish to create a new class scroll to the bottom of the list and select Edit. This is attached to corresponding Product in Product List>Product>General Tab
- Asset Type - Changes the type of asset. *Asset must be Active to be Available for Rental
- Site assigns the asset to different store locations
- Asset Status if asset needs to be removed from availability, use status drop down *This can also be done in POS in Asset LookUp or in an Order - Asset.
After making changes press Save in the top right hand corner.
Duplicate button takes the existing asset information and created a duplicate with the same information except the SKU. Best used for entering more then one asset of the same class.