1. In order to Print using any Printer, you must download use the Rent It Biz Windows or iOS App.
*You must be using the Rent It Biz Windows or iOS App for device to communicate to POS
*Please download Rent It Biz App and install this link for Windows PCs and Tablets.
*For iOS (iPad) go to the Apple Store and search for Rent It Biz 4.0.
*For MACs, you must use Safari Browser and have 1 PC on the network with a printer proxy installed.
Please contact Rent It Biz Support to get Proxy installed.
2. The Device MUST BE ON SAME NETWORK (Same Modem/Router) As Rent It Biz POS
3. Download and Install EpsonNnet to view printer on your Network.
Windows: https://download.epson-biz.com/modules/pos/index.php?page=single_soft&cid=6047&scat=43&pcat=3
MAC: https://download.epson-biz.com/modules/pos/index.php?page=single_soft&cid=6008